About– Introduction

Ty 3-22-15 better image

This handsome fellow is Ty. He is my dog. We first met on March 21, 2015 where we met at a Collie Rescue. He was known as Ty Cobb then, named for the baseball legend. He had entered the rescue along with eight other collies in bad condition from bad situations and all were given baseball themed names.

When I met Ty, he was emotionally shut down. I hunkered in his pen, wondering if by adopting him I would be doing him a service or disservice. I had experience with traumatized animals, but that was in the past. I was a different person, having lost so much of myself since that time. I seriously wondered if I still had it in me to provide what he needed to thrive.  I felt a fragile connection to him and heard a whisper of hope, so I took the leap of faith and adopted him.

Turns out we both needed each other, Ty and I.

The rescue has a Facebook page and Ty has a fan club that watches for updates of our successes, failures and trials. The suggestion was made to share these travels with others out there who share their home with special animals like Ty.  So this is Ty’s blog. It chronicles the journey he is making through his questionable past to a new life of love, trust and happiness.  We all hope you enjoy our stories, share in  our travels and feel inspired to share your own comments.

1 thought on “About– Introduction”

  1. I so look forward to your updates!


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